
Change Socks regularly to help prevent Athlete’s Foot

study.jpgRegularly changing your socks can help prevent the occurrence of fungal infections in the foot, particularly tinea pedis or Athlete’s foot. At any given time, fifteen to twenty-five percent of people have it. While one method to avoid Athlete’s foot is to wear sandals, the colder months make wearing sandals much more difficult. Changing socks will also reduce unpleasant foot odor. A statement from the U.K.’s National Health Service suggests that you should wear a clean pair of socks at least once a day to avoid smells. Bacteria are also more likely to sit on the surface of polyester and other synthetic fabric in comparison to materials such as cotton. 

Having Athlete’s foot warrants a visit to your physician for proper treatment. If you have any questions regarding Athlete’s foot and how to manage the condition, speak to one of our podiatrists at Foot Health Podiatry. Our doctors will attend to all of your foot and ankle needs.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a very contagious form of fungus, which can infect persons usually resulting in itching, burning, dry, and flaking feet. Treatment is often difficult, because of its contagious and reoccurring nature. Tinea pedis is the fungus which causes athletes foot, and is found to survive in moist humid areas.

Common places found:

-shower floors             -public changing areas -locker rooms

-Gyms                         -bathrooms                              -public swimming pools

-socks and shoes         -dormitory style houses                      

What is Tinea Pedi?

Is the same fungus which causes ringworm, and is known to be spread by direct contact of the infected body part. Or infection can spread by touching other objects and body parts which have been exposed to the fungus. Tinea Pedi is mostly found on the feet, because it is the ideal place for it to thrive on.

Treatment & Prevention

Because of its reoccurring nature of tinea fungus and athletes foot, the best way to treat this condition is with prevention. By taking the necessary precautions such as:

-Wear flips-flops or sandals in locker rooms and public showers.

-Use powders to keep your feet dry

-Keep your feet exposed to light and cool air

-treating athletes foot with special creams/sprays

For more information about Athlete’s Foot, follow the link below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in New York, NY. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Athlete’s Foot

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